Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Name!

So before moving, I wanted to get a name that I would stick with.  I don't think Sadie's Timeless Photography "flows" as well as I wanted, so after some thought and consideration, I've decided to change my business name to Sweet Sadie Photography.  I am not changing the pictures on the blog to the new logo, but will start using a new logo on my pictures.  The logo looks like this:

Other than that, I'm just getting things ready for moving.  We are moving about 30 minutes away from where we are, so not too far, and hope to be in the "new" house by the beginning of April.  I will update when I can and if not before we move, I'll make sure and post after the move.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Still here, but not for long!

I know I haven't been around much lately, but we've been looking at homes and preparing ourselves to move closer to my husband's work.  We have found a house that we LOVE and are hoping to be moved in by April 1st!  I'm so excited, but so busy that I'm not really able to do much with my photography.  I am excited to say that I got 2 new lenses, a 50mm 1.7 and a 70-300 mm!  I've been playing with them a bit, but have not used them on anything serious yet since we're so busy with moving stuff.  I've also tossed around the idea of changing my name...I've done the "TexasTalbots Photography" but am not sure I like it enough to keep.  I'm really wanting a name that screams "me"!  I know I could use my own name, but am not sure I want to do that, either.  I'll let you know when it's official and will make sure to do some photos shortly after may be with my own kiddos, but I will do something! 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Amazing photoshoot for me

I had an amazing time with this family!  I think it went very well, too.  It was a family friend that I've known for quite a few years.  I asked if they would allow me to practice on their family doing portraits.  I didn't do well on the individual shots, but feel that the family shots ended up nice and the couples shots of the oldest son and his new fiance turned out really good as well!  I had a few moments that I should have changed what I did, but over all, I think this shoot went very well.  It was a cold, windy afternoon (right before sundown), so that was tough to deal with, but they did great and were very great subjects!  Here are some of my favorites from their shoot.  {D} Family

Thanks so much to the {D} Family for letting me practice on you!! 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Baby P.

My little niece was born almost a month ago and my sister was nice enough to let me practice on her.  She is such a beautiful little girl and I enjoyed taking her picture!  She was exactly 2 weeks old when I took these.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge!

I've decided to try this out!  So this is my first post and picture!  Here's the link to the challenge given by another blogger (I'm sure there are lots of them out there, but this is the one I'm doing).
So here's my first picture...a self portrait!  It's not that great, but it's what I was able to get under the conditions that I had.  My settings were f3.5, 1/100, ISO 400.

Portraits of my kiddos

Well, I got some of each kid that I'm very happy with!  Finally!  I do wish I had them change their shirts (the older ones), but even with the weird shirts, I'm happy with the pictures!  So I'm finally updating my blog with these pictures that I recently took.

Coming soon, pictures of my new baby niece!  I'll post when I'm done editing!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Pictures

I took my kiddos to a local pumpkin patch to practice and let them each get a little pumpkin.  I had a few problems.  #1 was that I forgot to change over to RAW.  I really want to shoot in RAW when I am doing these kinds of pictures, so I need to remember to change it over.  I also (after this shoot) changed my AF area to "wide", I had it on spot, but have been having problems getting the focus and loosing it (as you will see with my youngest, she's OOF a little because it focused on the hay for some reason, probably because I focused on her eyes, then moved the camera a little and it changed the focus.  Anyway, I would have liked to change the WB after because they all came out a bit orange, but I was able to (mostly) fix that, but that would have been much easier if I shot in RAW.  So anyway, here's my results:

 On a side note, I plan to get a 50mm 1.8 lens very soon, so I'm looking forward to trying that out in the very near future!